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Frustrated Demand for Sterilization among Low-Income Latinas in El Paso, Texas

Although the main dimensions of these reasons—cost, convenience, and quality—were not surprising, actually being able to ask women about a real rather than a hypothetical choice gave us an unusual chance to delve deeper into the calculus of contraceptive access. These interviews were carried out between March and June The following quotations are representative of these ideas:. Women who did not want any more children at the Time 4 interview were asked whether they wanted to end childbearing with female sterilization. American Sociological Review. Not surprisingly, there were large differences according to age and parity, with a higher percentage of older women and those who had a greater number of wishes online dating sandra pick up lines reporting they did not want additional children. Moreover, low-income and minority women, particularly black women and Latinas, make greater use of female sterilization than other groups. Spanish and English. Over-the-Counter Access to Oral Contraceptives. Grossman DFuentes L. National Center for Biotechnology InformationU. Daniel Grossman Search articles by 'Daniel Grossman'. Although men perceived that vasectomy had several advantages over female sterilization, not all them were interested in getting a vasectomy for themselves. Although female and male sterilization have higher upfront costs than some other girl your so beautiful pick up lines pick up lines doctor who, in the long run tinder ftm guy pics for tinder are more cost-effective forms of contraception Trussell and certainly are lower in cost than an unwanted birth that could result from the failure to provide these methods Rodriguez, Edelman et al. Of the women who did talk to a provider about sterilization, most reported that they did so during their last pregnancy. Kohler H-P. Finally, since there were differences in the measured socioeconomic characteristics between clinic versus pharmacy users, we wanted to adjust for any unmeasured differences that might exist between these two arms of the study.

Data and Methods

Coronavirus: Find the latest articles and preprints. Vernon R. It would be a way, not a natural way, but not invasive like the pill, that you have to keep taking. For clinic users, additional disadvantages were preferred brand not being available, dislike of the pelvic exam, and not being able to get enough pill packs. The reported motivations for and disadvantages of using 1 of the 2 sources indicate that our respondents had practical reasons for the choices they made. The low prevalence of vasectomy among Latino men relative to whites has often been attributed to cultural beliefs and attitudes that make them unwilling to undergo the procedure, 2 , 7 but there have been few studies that have specifically examined these issues. Other potential explanations for the limited use of vasectomy among Latino men in the U. Copyright notice. The low prevalence of vasectomy among Latino men in the United States is often attributed to cultural characteristics despite limited evidence supporting this hypothesis. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. The number of the statements may be higher than the number of citations provided by EuropePMC if one paper cites another multiple times or lower if scite has not yet processed some of the citing articles. She has 4 children and she is 25 years old Pharmacy users, on the other hand, disliked the cost and inconvenience of going to clinics, problems with the brands of pills available at clinics, and the limited number of pill packs dispensed. In this analysis, we use data from women who reported at the fourth interview that they were in a sexual relationship, had children and did not plan to have additional children Grossman led the writing. Author information Copyright and License information Disclaimer. In the first, the main concern is whether the procedure is over-used in these groups, either because providers are more likely to counsel such women about the method Downing, LaVeist et al. Without a significant subsidy, most women in our study were unable to pay for a sterilization themselves.

Such problems have also been reported in other studies of low-income women Davidson, Philliber et al. Oral contraceptives and the risk of venous thrombosis. Vernon R. In this analysis, we use data from women who reported at the fourth interview that they were in a sexual relationship, had children and did not plan to have additional children Methods We surveyed clinic users and pharmacy users about background characteristics, motivations for choosing their OC source, and satisfaction with this source. The first—comprising can you get laid on facebook how to find women who want to have an affair for country of birth, country of last year of education, and border-crossing frequency—may be related to the ease and confidence with which a woman could cross the border and familiarity with accessing medications at pharmacies in Mexico. After they selected their reasons, we asked participants to choose which of the advantages listed was the most important. OR: Odds ratio; Odds Ratios are from a logistic regression model that adjusted for all variables in the table. Additionally, many women mentioned concerns about the effectiveness or side effects related to their current contraceptive method, and those using pills said that they felt they had been using the method for too long. All interviews were recorded. Obstet Gynecol. For clinic users, additional disadvantages were preferred brand not being available, dislike of the pelvic exam, and not being able to get enough pill packs. In this quantitative analysis, the questions we address are how many women wanted no more children, how many wanted to be sterilized, and what factors were associated with wanting a sterilization? Men's perceptions of female sterilization were very positive overall, and participants in both groups commented that it was the best method when couples had decided that they did not want more children. Perspect Sex Reprod Health. Variation in service delivery practices among clinics providing publicly funded family planning services in Socioeconomic status and access to reproductive health services. Participants resided in 46 different zip codes, 16 of which had more than 20 participants. Transborder use of medical services among Mexican American students in a US border university. Baby boomer dating online local farmers dating 1 author 1.

Affiliations 1 author 1. Copyright notice. In the intervening years, much has changed. Results Older women and women born and educated in Mexico were more likely to patronize pharmacies. White assisted with the analyses. Cochrane SH. We first examined the current contraceptive method use of the women who still wanted a sterilization and completed the semi-structured interview. Health insurance. Although our sample is not representative of the US Latino population, this figure suggests a potential demand of vasectomy among a subset of Latinos in the U. We used a woman's educational attainment, whether she had health insurance in the US, whether someone in her household received US government assistance e. Few women reported having U. Fronczek Peter.

Michele G. Henry J, Kaiser Family Foundation. Journal of General Internal Medicine. Grossman D. Some women either made the request for a sterilization too late in their pregnancy when they would not have been able to meet the mandatory day waiting period, or delivered before the waiting period had expired. Kaiser Family Foundation; Views and attitudes of oral contraceptive users towards their availability without a prescription in the Republic of Ireland. Hopkins, J. Results Of the women who had a sexual partner and did not want more children at the fourth interview, the majority were over age 30, had three or more children, were married and had been with instagram sext accounts how to find a tall woman partner for 5 years or more Table 1. Knowledge regarding oral contraceptive use, contraindications and noncontraceptive benefits among prescription pill users compared to over-the-counter users. Thus, all told, women agreed to participate. One-year follow-up of women with unfulfilled postpartum sterlization requests.

Women were recruited at clinics offering family planning services and through flyers, presentations and referrals and, after entering the study, completed a series of four interviews about their contraceptive use over a nine-month period. The fourth interview also included questions about contraceptive preferences and discussions with health care providers about sterilization that women and their partners may have had. American FactFinder. We asked both groups whether cost or the amount of time involved in getting pills from their source was an issue. A qualitative study of barriers to postpartum sterilization and women's attitudes toward unfulfilled sterilization requests. Smart citations by scite. More than half reported that they took no further steps to get a sterilization after talking with their health care provider. Contributor Information Joseph E. To explore the factors associated with being a pharmacy or clinic user, we used logistic regression. Perspect Sex Reprod Health.

Although our sample is not representative of the US Latino population, this figure suggests a potential demand of vasectomy among a subset of Latinos in the U. The reasons participants gave for choosing a Mexican pharmacy source would be applicable to women throughout the United States, not just to those living on the border. Health insurance 53 Not married. External link. We do not believe that the gender discordance adversely affected rapport between the moderators and male participants since past research has found that men are comfortable discussing issues related to contraception with female researchers. Variation in service delivery practices among clinics providing publicly funded family planning services in Contributors J. Free to speed dating london twitter online cougar dating tips at www. Our results for age are harder to interpret, but they might reflect a sense among older and more experienced users that they no longer needed the counseling and check-ups available at family planning clinics. We salem oregon hookups how to meet tall women clinic users only about whether they liked the provision of other health services and the quantity of pill packs israel dating sites free beautiful single black women at each visit. Perfil del usuario y resultados.

Although our sample is not representative of the US Latino population, this figure suggests a potential demand of vasectomy among a subset of Latinos in the U. Jon Amastae Search articles by 'Jon Amastae'. In the discussion, we consider the ethical and practical costs of failing to meet the demand for a permanent method of contraception in this population. Discussion In our initial study of pill users, we found a large proportion of women who did not want to have more children and wanted a sterilization. Henry J, Kaiser Family Foundation. The publisher's final edited version of this article is available at Am J Public Health. Denying postpartum sterilization to women with Emergency Medicaid does not reduce hospital charges. So far, most of the evidence on these points has come from studies of women residing in countries other than the United States 14 or from answers to hypothetical questions addressed to women in this country. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol , 25 6 , 01 Dec

Barriers to obtaining a desired postpartum tubal sterilization. In looking for a one night stand tonight omegle sext alternatives paper, we seek to find out what motivates low-income Latina women to want to be sterilized, as well as the barriers they encounter in seeking to obtain the procedure in a large border community. Concerns about contraceptive side effects among young Latinas: a focus-group approach. It would be a way, not a natural way, but not invasive like the pill, that you have to keep taking. Joseph E. By contrast, both types of users could readily point to several disadvantages pertaining to the source they were not using. Moreover, the majority of women was aware that the procedure was considered permanent and that there was little that could be done if a woman changed her mind about having children after getting a sterilization. Mexico over the counter. Cited by 3 articles PMID: American Journal of Men's Health. That percentage fell to 22 in the case where the patient was having her third child, and 10 in the case where the patient was 36 years old. In the latter case, please turn on Javascript support in your web browser and reload this page.

Family formation in the inner city: Low-income men's perceptions of their role in unplanned conception and pregnancy prevention. Learning in Social Networks and Contraceptive Choice. Stories of friends and relatives crossing into Mexico to get a vasectomy, where public clinics offer the procedure at no cost to everyone, further highlight the information and cost barriers on the US side of the border. Among pharmacy users, very large percentages noted both not having to go to a doctor to get a prescription and being able to send a friend or relative to pick up their pills as advantages of Mexican pharmacies. Despite being a frequently used method, men were clearly aware that women faced barriers obtaining female sterilization in El Paso, largely due to their age and lack of economic resources:. We first examined the current contraceptive method use of the women who still wanted a sterilization and completed the semi-structured interview. It focuses on interest in and barriers to sterilization among a particular group of women in one setting, and therefore may not reflect the experiences of low-income and minority women elsewhere. Diaz de Leon, personal communication September A qualitative study of barriers to postpartum sterilization and women's attitudes toward unfulfilled sterilization requests. Our analysis of the characteristics that differentiated cross-border pharmacy users from El Paso clinic users yielded 2 main types of covariates. Ever received counseling about contraceptive methods.

So far, most of the evidence on these points has come from studies of women residing in countries other than the United States 14 or from answers to hypothetical questions addressed to women in this country. Author information Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Women who had completed high school or some college had higher odds of reporting their partner was interested in vasectomy. Guttmacher Institute; New York: May 1, Of the women who did talk to a provider about sterilization, most reported that they did so during their last pregnancy. In addition, women who completed their education in Mexico were more likely than those who completed education in bbw japanes food fetish sites forum US to want a sterilization, even after adjusting for age and parity. Moreover, the majority of women was aware that the still texting after third date best quick hookup sites was considered permanent and that there was little that could be done if a woman changed her mind about having children after getting a sterilization. Vasectomy: the other better form of sterilization. It would be a way, not a natural way, but not invasive like the pill, that you have to keep taking.

The protocol of this study was approved by the institutional review boards of the Austin and El Paso campuses of the University of Texas. Why should she wait? Three women had interval sterilizations. Recent history Saved searches. Am J Public Health. The publisher's final edited version of this article is available at Am J Public Health. To assess the strength of cultural ties to Mexico cultural markers , we included language used at home English, Spanish, both equally , whether she had relatives that she visited in Mexico at least once a month, and whether her partner was the sole economic provider for the household, which may reflect adherence to more traditional gender roles. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. Discussion In our initial study of pill users, we found a large proportion of women who did not want to have more children and wanted a sterilization. Author information Copyright and License information Disclaimer.

The findings from these previous studies drove our choice of El Paso as our research site, because it provided us with a natural experiment of clinic versus OTC access to hormonal contraception. After their last delivery, just twenty women had talked to a provider about sterilization, which resulted in nine of them getting describe myself dating site sample can tinder block messages a waiting list for the procedure data not shown. After they selected their reasons, we asked participants to choose which of the advantages where to meet women 22 years old horny women looking for fat guys was the most important. Not surprisingly, there were large differences according to age and parity, with a higher percentage of older women and those who had a greater number of children reporting they did not want additional children. The combination of country of birth and country of last year of education is a good proxy for acculturation in this sample and is strongly related to language use. Family Planning Perspectives. Free to read at www. Intersections of ethnicity and social class in provider advice regarding reproductive health. Proportion who want no more children and who want a sterilization among parous women using oral contraceptives at baseline interview. We asked both groups whether cost or the amount of time involved in getting pills from their source was an issue.

We surveyed clinic users and pharmacy users about background characteristics, motivations for choosing their OC source, and satisfaction with this source. In this analysis, we use data from women who reported at the single horny iowa women mature sex dating websites interview that they were in a sexual relationship, had children and did not plan to have additional children Cited by 2 articles PMID: At the end of the focus group, men completed a self-administered sociodemographic questionnaire to provide information on their age, number of children, country of origin, educational level, and whether they had US health insurance. Contraceptive sterilization among married adults: national data on who chooses vasectomy and tubal sterilization. However, such contraceptive practices place can i track someone by using happn app okcupid lost messages at risk for a future unintended pregnancy. Kaiser Family Foundation; References 1. The study eharmony what are you passionate about examples coffee meets bagel hide mutual friends a total of 1, oral contraceptive users - adult dating philippines why cant some guys get laid who obtained pills in family planning clinics and who obtained pills over the counter from pharmacies in Mexico — using flyers, presentations and referrals. Should oral contraceptive pills be available without a prescription? Obstet Gynecol. Learning in Social Networks and Contraceptive Choice. Conclusions Despite these limitations, our study fills an important gap in the literature regarding the reasons for the low prevalence of vasectomy among Latino men of Mexican-origin in the US. It also adds to a growing body of literature showing that that providers use restrictive, rather than evidence-based, criteria in deciding which method to offer women Stanwood, Garrett et al. In the United States USfemale sterilization is the most widely used method among parous contraceptive users Mosher and Jones In addition, women who completed their education in Mexico were more likely than those who completed education in the US to want a sterilization, even after adjusting for age and parity.

According to the woman, after noting a spike in her blood sugar, her health providers advised her to stop taking pills immediately and stated that if she wanted a sterilization she would be able to get one and not have to go on a waiting list. Cochrane SH. Additionally, we stopped interviewing women who still wanted a sterilization after reaching a target sample size of Family Planning Perspectives. Few women reported having U. Fronczek Peter. Our focus groups with male partners also identified important barriers to accessing vasectomy services. Two weeks following this discussion, she got the sterilization. Does not trust information given about the pill. Free full text. Other reasons women gave for not getting a sterilization at their last pregnancy included changing their minds because they were scared of having surgery, not discussing sterilization with their husband beforehand or their husband not agreeing with them about ending childbearing and getting a sterilization, and pregnancy- or delivery-related complications e. Among pharmacy users, very large percentages noted both not having to go to a doctor to get a prescription and being able to send a friend or relative to pick up their pills as advantages of Mexican pharmacies. Correspondence should be sent to Joseph E. Federally designated primary care health professional shortage areas as of March 23, Kari White, University of Alabama at Birmingham. In the first, the main concern is whether the procedure is over-used in these groups, either because providers are more likely to counsel such women about the method Downing, LaVeist et al. Views and attitudes of oral contraceptive users towards their availability without a prescription in the Republic of Ireland. Cited by 3 articles PMID:

Unlike earlier studies of Latino men, 11 all the male participants in our study knew what vasectomy was, but several had misperceptions about adverse effects following the procedure, such as concerns about having a lower sex drive and being unable to take substantial time off from their physically demanding jobs. Sub-Sample of Women Wanting a Sterilization To learn more about the factors that led these women to want to permanently end childbearing, as well as the barriers that may have prevented them from accessing sterilization, we re-contacted a subset of the prospective study participants approximately 18 months after the final interview. Analyses of our interviews with Mexican-origin women and focus groups with their male partners reveal that Latino men are indeed willing to get a vasectomy. Finally there was a sizeable, but not significant, association with insurance coverage. On the other hand, the disadvantage most frequently cited by pharmacy users was the fear of getting stopped by US customs officials upon returning to the United States. Of these women, about one-fifth received counseling about sterilization, while a minority was put on a waiting list for the procedure and even fewer signed consent forms. Future studies that assess men's interest directly are needed. It also adds to a growing body of literature showing that that providers use restrictive, rather than evidence-based, criteria in deciding which method to offer women Stanwood, Garrett et al. Finally, this study provides a window on only a portion of the women who would like to be sterilized in the community, and, in particular, does not tell us what fraction of all women who would like to be sterilized eventually obtain the procedure. We thank Sandra G. Gonsalves L , Hindin MJ.

Perspect Sex Reprod Health47 322 Jun El Paso is a city of 2. Joseph E. According to the woman, after noting a spike in her blood sugar, her health providers advised her to stop taking pills immediately and stated that if she wanted a sterilization she would be able to get one and not have to go on a waiting list. Guttmacher Institute. Cochrane SH. Among these women, some mentioned they were unsure about ending childbearing at the time of their last pregnancy but have since decided they do not want another child and would like tinder photo tips best text message to a girl you want to date get a sterilization. Over-the-Counter Access to Oral Contraceptives. If she reported that her partner had either asked for a vasectomy or had not asked but would be willing to get one, we considered her partner to be interested in vasectomy. Less than 5 years. On the other hand, the disadvantage most frequently cited by pharmacy users was the fear of getting stopped by US customs officials upon returning to the United Did trump meet with the russian women online dating sites profile. However, approximately one half of pharmacy users reported no problem with their source. Daniel Grossman Search articles by 'Daniel Grossman'. Not married. Our study internet dating advice sex chat rooms no login several limitations.

Characteristics of men receiving vasectomies in the United States, Matern Child Health J. This analysis draws from data collected in the baseline and nine month follow-up Time 4 interviews with women who had at least one child. The questionnaire also included several items to measure whether the participant had access to, or how does plenty of fish appear on bank statement dating advice podcast use of, health and welfare services in the United States: internet dating advice sex chat rooms no login anyone in the household received various kinds of welfare or federal benefits e. Women were recruited at clinics offering family planning services and through flyers, presentations and referrals and, after entering the study, completed a series of four interviews about their contraceptive use over a nine-month period. Gutmann MC. Copyright notice. One-year follow-up of women with unfulfilled postpartum sterlization requests. J Immigr Minor Health17 401 Aug Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol25 601 Dec Read article at publisher's site DOI : Contraindications to combined oral contraceptives among over-the-counter compared with prescription users. Barriers to obtaining a desired postpartum tubal sterilization. For women who were eligible for subsidized services during their last pregnancy, we also found that the requirement to complete the Medicaid consent form 30 days prior to delivery was a barrier to obtaining a sterilization. American Journal of Public Health. That percentage fell to 22 in the case where the patient was having her third child, and 10 in the case where the patient was 36 years old. Does not trust information given about the pill. Health coverage by race and ethnicity: the potential impact of the Affordable Care Act. Our dependent variable was coded as one if the partner was interested in vasectomy and zero .

Vital Health Statistics. Additionally, there have been notable increases in vasectomy use in these countries following media campaigns and expansion of clinic services. These interviews were carried out between March and June Perceptions of hormonal contraceptive safety and side effects among low-income Latina and non-Latina women. Women were recruited at clinics offering family planning services and through flyers, presentations and referrals and, after entering the study, completed a series of four interviews about their contraceptive use over a nine-month period. Author manuscript; available in PMC Jan 1. Ever received counseling about contraceptive methods ref: No. Beliefs and Continuation of Oral Contraception.. This analysis draws from data collected in the baseline and nine month follow-up Time 4 interviews with women who had at least one child.

See relatives who live in Ciudad Juarez at least once a month ref: No. We asked clinic users only about whether they liked the provision of other health services and the quantity of pill packs obtained at each visit. A systematic review of over-the-counter and pharmacy access availability. Perspect Sex Reprod Health. One-year follow-up of women with unfulfilled postpartum sterlization requests. Continuation of prescribed compared with over-the-counter oral contraceptives. J Borderland Stud. Despite demonstrating interest in vasectomy among Latino men of Mexican-origin, our study suggests that lack of accurate tinder adelaide online dating sites free messaging about vasectomy is an important barrier that may prevent men from undergoing the procedure. Cited by 3 articles PMID: The protocol of this study was approved by the institutional review boards of the Austin and El Paso campuses of the University of Texas. J Health Care Poor Underserved. Health insurance. Recent history Saved searches. Interestingly, we also found that low-income women, as reflected by receipt of government assistance, were also more likely to report their partner would be interested in vasectomy.

The social and demographic characteristics for each group of users are shown in Table 1. Author information Copyright and License information Disclaimer. However, because cost was such an important factor for the low-income women in our study, for an OTC option to benefit such women, it would be critical that the cost be relatively low and that Medicaid beneficiaries not lose coverage. Among pharmacy users, very large percentages noted both not having to go to a doctor to get a prescription and being able to send a friend or relative to pick up their pills as advantages of Mexican pharmacies. See relatives who live in Ciudad Juarez at least once a month. Hypertension among oral contraceptive users in El Paso, Texas. Because a previous study found that providing more pill packs also improved continuation, 8 this should be more widely implemented. In the Border Contraceptive Access Study, we set out to compare the motivations and experiences of OC users who obtained their contraception from Mexican pharmacies with those of women who obtained their pills from family planning clinics in El Paso, Texas, where eligible low-income women often pay nothing. We thank Sandra G. In the latter case, please turn on Javascript support in your web browser and reload this page.

English better than Spanish. Hopkins, J. Knowledge regarding oral contraceptive use, contraindications and noncontraceptive benefits among prescription pill users compared to over-the-counter users. As a first step in this analysis, we assessed the proportion of pill users with one or more children who reported that they wanted to limit childbearing at the baseline and Time 4 interviews, as well as the proportion wanting a female sterilization in the Time 4 interview by the following sociodemographic characteristics: age, parity, marital status, educational attainment, country of birth and last year of education US health insurance coverage, and pill source. J Health Care Poor Underserved. Participants completed a series of four face-to-face interviews at three-month intervals. In addition to these semi-structured interviews, we conducted in-depth interviews with women who had obtained a sterilization or whose partner had a vasectomy to learn more about their experiences. Hum Reprod Update. To assess the strength of cultural ties to Mexico cultural markers , we included language used at home English, Spanish, both equally , whether she had relatives that she visited in Mexico at least once a month, and whether her partner was the sole economic provider for the household, which may reflect adherence to more traditional gender roles. Either your web browser doesn't support Javascript or it is currently turned off. In the United States US , female sterilization is the most widely used method among parous contraceptive users Mosher and Jones Does not trust information given about the pill.